D&D 5e: Elf Race Guide - Sage Gamers (2024)

Elves are typically haughty and pompous. Nothing like the cheery ones that work in Santa’s workshop we’ve read about. Nevertheless, Elves are good planners, focused when learning, and act more like moderators before being fighters. Slow to trust and to make bonds, barely surprised at what the world has become, rarely petty, but to cross one would mean to face their wrath. They value and protect others’ freedom as well as their own, and they are more often good than not. The drow/dark elves are an exception, most being vicious and dangerous due to their kind’s exile. Even labeled as spawns of evil but not completely reviled due to the good Drow goddess Eilistraee as opposed to Lolth.

EpicDefinitely! Absolutely! Just YES!

GoodYou can. It’s not perfect but it’ll be great too.

MehI guess you could but it won’t be as good.

BadYou shouldn’t! You can but you’d waste a lot of potential.

Elf Traits

-Straight out of the handbook list the attributes, racial features, etc.

  • ASI: +2 Dexterity

  • Description:

    • Age: Elves mature at the same pace as humans. An elf can live to be 750 years old and claim adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100.

    • Height: Medium (5 to 6 feet tall)

    • Walking speed: 30” feet

    • Appearance: Their appearance is similar to that of humans except they possess pointed ears and slender builds. Their hair color, eye color, skin, and even height can vary depending on the subrace of elf they are.

    • Language: You can speak, read, and write Common and Elven.

Elf Subraces

-High Elf

  • As a high elf, you have a quick intellect and a basic understanding of magic. There are two types of high elves in various fantasy gaming realms. One type is arrogant and secretive, feeling they are superior to non-elves and even other elves. The other type is more prevalent and friendlier, and it is frequently encountered by humans and other races.

–ASI: +1 Intelligence


  • Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

  • Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

  • Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.

-Dark Elf/Drow

–ASI: +1 Charisma


  • Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a range of 120 feet, instead of 60.

  • Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

  • Drow Magic. You know the Dancing Lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Faerie Fire spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Darkness spell once and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

  • Drow Weapon Training. You have proficiency with rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows.


  • It’s important to note that there are also two variants of Eladrin elves. One is from the Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes and the other from the Dungeon Master’s Guide. It’s up to you and/or your DM which will be used.

(Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes)

  • Eladrin are elves from the Feywild, a land of beauty, unpredictability, and limitless magic. The color of an eladrin is suggestive of one of the four seasons, which might alter the eladrin’s mood:

    • Autumn is the season of peace and goodwill when summer’s harvest is shared with all.

    • Winter is the season of contemplation and dolor when the vibrant energy of the world slumbers.

    • Spring is the season of cheerfulness and celebration, marked by merriment as winter’s sorrow passes.

    • Summer is the season of boldness and aggression, a time of unfettered energy.

  • Some eladrin remain associated with a particular season for their entire lives, whereas other eladrin transform, adopting characteristics of a new season.

–ASI: +1 Charisma


  • Fey Step. As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest. When you reach 3rd level, your Fey Step gains an additional effect based on your season; if the effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. The effects are as follows:

    • Autumn. Immediately after you use your Fey Step, up to two creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 minute, or until you or your companions deal any damage to it.

    • Winter. When you use your Fey Step, one creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you before you teleport must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

    • Spring. When you use your Fey Step, you can touch one willing creature within 5 feet of you. That creature then teleports instead of you, appearing in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you.

    • Summer. Immediately after you use your Fey Step, each creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 damage).

( Dungeon Masters Guide)

  • Eladrin are magical creatures with deep links to nature who live in the Feywild’s twilight domain. Their cities occasionally venture onto the Material Plane, appearing for a brief moment in mountain valleys or thick forest meadows before dissipating back into the Feywild.

–ASI: +1 Intelligence


  • Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

  • Fey Step.You can cast the Misty Step spell once using this trait. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.

-Sea Elf

  • In the early stages of the multiverse, sea elves became in love with the ocean’s untamed splendor. The sea elves traversed the deepest currents and explored the oceans spanning a hundred realms while other elves traveled from domain to domain. They now reside in small, hidden colonies on the Elemental Plane of Water and in the ocean shallows.

–ASI: +1 Constitution


  • Sea Elf Training. You have proficiency with the spear, trident, light crossbow, and net.

  • Child of the Sea.You have a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can breathe air and water.

  • Friend of the Sea. Using gestures and sounds, you can communicate simple ideas with any beast that has an innate swimming speed.

  • Languages.You can speak, read, and write Aquan.


  • The enigmatic shadar-kai, sworn to the Raven Queen’s service, venture onto the Material Plane out from Shadowfell to further her will. They were formerly fey like the rest of their elf relatives, but now they dwell in a bizarre state between life and death. Eladrin and shadar-kai are mirror images of each other, one full of emotion and the other almost devoid of it.

–ASI: +1 Constitution


  • Necrotic Resistance.You have resistance to necrotic damage.

  • Blessing of the Raven Queen. As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Starting at 3rd level, you also gain resistance to all damage when you teleport using this trait. The resistance lasts until the start of your next turn. During that time, you appear ghostly and translucent.

-Wood Elf

  • Fast on their feet, stealthy, keen senses, strong in intuition, and one with nature. Unfortunately, looked down upon by other elves. Labeled as barbaric, treated as servants (specifically the kagonesti) by the Silvanesti , and distrustful towards non-elves. This category includes the wild elves (grugach) of Greyhawk, the Kagonesti of Dragonlance, and wood elves in Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms.

–ASI: +1 Wisdom


  • Incisive Sense. You have advantage on Investigation and Insight checks.

  • Blessing of the Moonweaver. You know the Light cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Sleep once, and it recharges after a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast Invisibility (Self Only) once, and it recharges after a long rest. You do not need the material components required for the spells. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


  • The Pallid Elves’ predecessors were a tribe of reclusive elves who worshipped The Moonweaver and lived in a forest atop a mountain peak in the Cyrios Mountains, guarded by their moon priests’ illusion magic. Pallid elves are distinguished by their pale complexion, which is believed to be as white as the moon. After the collapse of their home, the species turned pallid(pale) from residing underground hidden from all light for a long time.

–ASI: +1 Wisdom


  • Incisive Sense. Always getting advantage on Investigation and Insight checks is a very strong ability for classes that are interested in such abilities.

  • Blessing of the Moon Weaver. Light is particularly impressive and sleep is only really useful at low levels. Once you reach 5th-level and pick up invisibility, this feature certainly becomes worth it for certain builds.

-Mark of Shadow

–ASI: +1 Charisma


  • Cunning Intuition. When you make a Charisma (Performance) or Dexterity (Stealth) check, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.

  • Shape Shadows. You know the minor illusion cantrip. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the invisibility spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

  • Spells of the Mark.If you have the Spellcasting or the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of Shadow Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class.

Best Classes and Archetypes for Elf

-List each published class/subclass from all official sources.


  • Elves gain a DEX benefit, which might aid Artificers with their low AC making them less squishy. High Elves gain an INT bonus, a free cantrip of your choosing, and an additional language for roleplaying. You can choose the Eladrin (either version) or the Shadar-Kai if you don’t mind the Artificer’s sparse amount of cantrips. Both will grant you teleportation sooner than you can receive it from the Artificer’s spellcasting, with that you can save spell slots.

  • Alchemist– The alchemist improves the Artificer’s healing abilities. While you won’t be at the same level as a Cleric or Druid, your group will be grateful for the help. Better with some than none.

  • Armorer– The armorer specializes in enhancing a set of magical armor to aid you in combat. This is without a doubt the Artificer’s most tanky variant. Unfortunately, despite how tanky this subclass is, you’ll need to be cautious until you reach level 3, as your AC is still quite low.

  • Artillerist– A good offense and defense subclass. You have firearms, cannons, bombs, a flame thrower, and more weaponry at your disposal. The Artillerist has the skill to call forth a magical cannon that aids in battlefield control.

  • Battle Smith– Their spell list is mostly lacking, with a few fundamental melee caster spells thrown in for good measure. The option to strike using their INT modifier is undoubtedly the core of this subclass, along with their trusty Steel Defender, which can both absorb and inflict damage.


  • Among the few courses in which the Elf is a terrible choice. The Sea Elf and the Shadar-kai are likely your best bets here because they’re the only elf subraces that earn Strength or Constitution enhancements. However, the Barbarian’s Strength is absolutely necessary and it can be difficult to perform without it.

  • Ancestral Guardian– Barbarians that call on their ancestral guardians can fight by their side and battle more effectively to defend their loved ones and comrades. Barbarians who pursue this path decorate themselves in intricate tattoos celebrating their predecessors’ accomplishments to solidify links to their ancestral guardians. These tattoos depict battles against monstrous monsters and other terrifying adversaries.

  • Battlerager– For Dwarves only!

  • Beast– Barbarians who follow the Beast’s Path get their wrath from a bestial spark that burns within their hearts. In the depths of fury, the beast emerges, physically changing the barbarian. A primal spirit may possess such a barbarian, or they could be spawned from shape-shifters. With their fangs, claws, and tail, these fighters can create and tear foes apart.

  • Berserker– The Berserker is what many think of when they think of the barbarian stereotype. This is the subclass for you if all you want to do is strike stuff and be incredibly excellent at it. While none of the elements are very intriguing or novel, this design is simple and functional. It’s great for going into a frenzy of rage and power, but it’s also exhausting (exhaustion can make you sloppy after).

  • Depths– These barbarians can withstand the ocean’s icy depths (and cold in general). To strike their opponents, they feed on the anguish and misery of individuals who perished or went missing at sea. Although a Sea Elf would be suitable for this subclass, it doesn’t make up for what an Elf lacks in being a Barbarian.

  • Juggernaut– Barbarian juggernauts are siege warriors, capable of holding their ground and forcing their opponents into vulnerable positions. They make any battlefield their dominion while rampaging, driving enemies over mountainsides, and demolishing even the most powerful structures with their strikes.

  • Storm Herald– The Storm Herald’s Path adjusts well enough to change. Beginning at 3rd level, you can pick between desert, sea, or tundra as your habitat, which impacts the skills you have access to. However, you don’t always level up when it is optimal, and you’re rarely aware of the perils that await you. It’s still functionally intriguing and will keep things interesting while also being beneficial for whatever party composition you’re in.

  • Totem Warrior– The Path of the Totem Warrior practically includes everything. Tanking, inflicting damage, moving around, and assisting your party are all possible. However, this subclass is less straightforward and needs more thought, making it a lot of fun to play but not so beginner friendly.

  • Bear– any creature that is a danger to them, within 5 feet and see/hear/fears them, gets a disadvantage in attack rolls. Unfortunately-unless it was intended- this makes them the prime target of their enemy/ies but they do get resistance to ALL damage while raging except psychic.

  • Eagle– their flying speed is equal to their race’s walking speed. A pretty handy option that gives extra mobility.

  • Elk– They can use a bonus action during their move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. You get to do a knockback effect on enemies when you pass through.

  • Tiger– Jumping at least 20 feet towards a target right before making a melee weapon attack.

  • Wolf– They can use a bonus action with their melee weapon attack on their turn to knock down.

  • Wild Magic– Barbarians are especially vulnerable with their strong impulses, with some barbarians being altered by the magic. Wild Magic Barbarian is an excellent pick for individuals who prefer their adventures to be completely random. Add some unique power to your battles by gaining an unexpected benefit every time you rage, enabling you to do incredible things like teleport.

  • Zealot– Some gods encourage their devotees to join them in a furious war frenzy. These individuals become barbarian zealots — fighters who use their fury to manifest heavenly power. Roleplaying is fun. Dying becomes a nuisance rather than a game-ending issue. The Path of the Zealot is a good subclass with a little more damage, but it needs meaningful direction.


  • Elves gain additional Dexterity, which might improve a Bard’s AC and offer melee Bards an advantage when attacking. Perception skills and Darkvision are advantageous. Charisma is increased for Drow, Eladrin, & Mark of Shadow elves. In any build, the basic elven Perception and Dexterity increase compliments the Bard well.

  • Creation– These Bards utilize harmony, rhythm, and melody to create anything from nothing. Because Performance of Creation is related to one of the College of Creation’s class traits, you and your DM must comprehend the details. When combined with spells like Creation or Fabricate, it might have unwanted and unpredictable consequences.

  • Eloquence– The Bard’s Bardic Inspiration receives huge bonuses from the College of Eloquence. Bards are fantastic support casters, but this elevates them to new heights. Other bard schools place a priority on bonuses like Bardic Inspiration and a bard’s undeniable Charisma-based talents, whereas College of Eloquence concentrates on a bard’s main features.

  • Glamour– A subclass perfectly tailored for Eladrin Elves. The College of Glamour is dedicated to bards who learned their trade in the Feywild’s lively domain or under the guidance of somebody who lived there. This college’s bards are revered with a blend of awe and horror. College of Glamour is a good support caster with a good combination of support and charming effects, but they lack offensive and defensive abilities.

  • Lore– The College of Lore’s bards comprehend a lot about a lot of things, gathering information from academic tomes and peasant stories. These bards utilize their abilities to hold audiences captivated, whether performing songs in pubs or complex pieces in royal palaces. The quest for beauty and truth is what these bards are dedicated to, not allegiance to a king or obeying a religion. These bard’s supposed ability to utilize weapons is less important than their other skills, magic, and the capacity to humiliate adversaries with Cutting Words.

  • Maestro– Music has tremendous power. It may quiet a troubled mind, reinforce a blazing desire, and inspire the timid to daring. With music, words, and instruments, traveling bards have perfected the skill of crafting music to influence and control the minds and hearts of their surroundings. The Maestro, on the other hand, has learned to elicit music from the world around them and arrange these notes into songs of vibrant and strong enchantment with magical talent.

  • Swords– Members of the College of Swords are the fiercest of the Bard subclasses, doing sword swallowing, knife dancing, and even staged duels. Don’t be misled by their alibi; these bards are renowned assassins, thieves, and spies who specialize in melee combat. However, in return for lackluster abilities and a modest damage boost, it consumes your Bardic Inspiration dice.

  • Valor– In the same way as the College of Swords does, you’ll be doing a lot more melee fighting than other Colleges. Valor emphasizes becoming a kickass battle mage rather than physical prowess.

  • Whispers– College of Whispers is a subclass that focuses on dialogue and roleplaying above spellcasting and combat. It’s not great at fighting, but it’s fantastic in social settings. So it depends on the campaign.

Blood Hunter

  • Blood hunters are mages that learn the outlawed art of blood magic. Despite their power’s “gory” nature and that it can harm the caster, they desire to use it to battle evil. The class requires high Dexterity and or Intelligence which makes it pretty good for Elves.

  • Ghostslayer– Ghostslayers fixate on the riddle of death and the forces that can bring the dead back to life. These ardent blood hunters dedicate their lives to eradicating the undead menace wherever it may be found, honing their powers to combat undead creatures and those who wield the necromancy that generates them.

  • Lycan– Those accepted into the Order of the Lycan do so with purpose, knowing the enormous burden it places on them and the difficulties it presents. The Order of the Lycan is a renowned order of blood hunters who experience “the Taming”—the ritual affliction of lycanthropy for those who do not already bear the curse. They use the force of their blood magic to control the monster’s might without succumbing to it.

  • Mutant– These Blood Hunters practice mutagencraft, another illegal trade that momentarily alters them beyond animal-like characteristics as they level up. They are comparable to the Lycan Subclass in that they have specific perks and immunities in addition to transformation. They are not in danger of losing control unless they want to.

  • Profane Soul– Blood hunters from the Order of the Profane Soul have pushed the boundaries of hemocraft to combat some of the world’s most fearsome beasts. They make pacts with fiends and lesser evils to combat greater trouble. They can stack Hex and Rite to increase all weapon attacks by 2d6 or 3d6 if the Mark curse is utilized.

D&D 5e: Elf Race Guide - Sage Gamers (1)


  • The Cleric is a difficult class for an Elf to master, but it is possible. Wood elves and Pallid gain Wisdom, making them ideal light-armored clerics with their Dexterity and Wisdom. Perception complements Cleric’s presumed high Wisdom score, while Dexterity is useful for movement and light armor capabilities. In risky circ*mstances, you can heal and boost your party with an advantage on saving throws from being charmed and resistance to being put to sleep.

  • Arcana– Arcana Domain Clerics have access to the Wizard spell list, which expands the party’s support options. Damage cantrips cast by these Clerics are limited in range (max 60 feet) and only affect saving throws. Once you have Potent Cantrips, you can either pick up cantrips that can be used as attacks, target numerous creatures for enormous damage, or enhance your range. Unfortunately, many of its spells are campaign dependent.

  • Blood– The Blood domain is devoted to the art of wielding the very essence of life in our veins. Blood has the power to sacrifice, balance life and death, and bind the spirit within a mortal’s husk. Blood clerics strive to utilize blood, as well as alter or corrupt the bodies of others, through divine methods. Unfortunately, it’s not effective against creatures without blood.

  • Death– This subclass was created to serve wicked gods or deities, it has a powerful offensive value and even the ability to wield martial weapons, contrary to other Clerics. Its single target damage potential is enormous if you manage your action economy properly. It’s the only cleric domain that can regularly one-shot full-health enemies across all four tiers.

  • Forge– These artisan deities’ clerics hunt for goods lost to the powers of darkness, free orc-infested mines, and unearth rare and marvelous materials needed to build powerful magic items. These devotees take tremendous pleasure in their labor and are prepared to make and utilize heavy armor and formidable weapons to protect themselves.

  • Grave– These Clerics attempt to preserve the natural cycle of life and death by opposing those that oppose it. They console individuals who have lost loved ones, officiate at funerals, and are often the first to fight back monsters such as the undead. They have skills that can both deal and heal damage.

  • Knowledge– In campaigns where information, research, and knowledge are key, these Clerics shine. Many of the spells and abilities may seem pointless if you won’t be doing any research and study. Clerics who are given the Knowledge Domain’s ability are diligent people who want to study, either as a means of control or simply for the love of learning. These clerics gain various characteristics that indicate their intellect and ability to learn new things.

  • Life– The legendary healer subclass, as well as a formidable heavy-armored Defender. Healing the ill and injured, looking after those in need, and fighting the powers of death and undeath are all part of the Life domain’s mission to nurture life and wellness.

  • Light– The Light Cleric is a Striker and a Controller that specializes in delivering damage to targets and places. These Clerics have some of the best Fire damage spells. Light Domain Clerics are primarily damage dealers rather than support. This subclass shows outstanding higher-level subclass traits as well as powerful spells.

  • Nature– Nature has a mediocre spell set and a Channel Divinity ability that only works with a limited portion. The domain’s other skills are wonderful, however since spells and Channel Divinity are such important aspects of the Cleric’s powers, it’s difficult to suggest it. If you wish to play something similar to a Druid, this is the option for you.

  • Order– A cleric eager to lead or be the support for the party should consider the Order Domain. Order Domain Clerics aren’t great at delivering damage, but they’re great at buffing friends, controlling crowds, and dealing with non-combat circ*mstances. Order receives one of the stronger versions of Divine Strike, although cantrips are still a right match for the Cleric.

  • Peace– These Clerics have effective protection spells, but it is their characteristics that push this subclass into being overpowered. The two-person restriction progressively expands to accommodate the whole party as the cleric levels up, and they have the power to teleport and divert damage from whatever source. By letting them teleport to each other, they essentially provide the whole party continuous immunity to damage, grapples, and a variety of other crowd control techniques.

  • Tempest– The Tempest Domain Cleric has a wonderful concept and provides decent AOE damage and control, yet nothing overtly benefits your friends in combat. They are a viable danger at both short and long ranges. Because there are no utility or support choices in the Tempest domain, you’ll have to rely on your spell list to address certain challenges.

  • Trickery– Trickery Domain Clerics have an amazing spell repertoire that seems like a mix of Rogue and Wizard, but this renders them more susceptible in battle because they aren’t designed to tank. The Trickery Domain is a difficult subclass to master, but with practice, it can be transformed into a formidable support and utility caster. With a little effort, you can also succeed in melee battle, but this isn’t usually the preferred way of playing the subclass.

  • Twilight– Twilight Domain clerics get a powerful collection of defensive and boost spells, as well as some of the strongest class qualities of any cleric. To fully benefit from their tremendous aura, it’s best to keep their allies to be nearby. Their strategies are fairly straightforward. Twilight Sanctuary protects your companions with temporary hit points by keeping them in the radius. In open regions, this will include moving with your team to engage in melee or ranged combat, so be prepared to deal with those scenarios.

  • War– War Domain Clerics lean towards utilizing weapons rather than spellcasting. Their divine strike inflicts the same amount of damage as their weapon. If the monster resists slicing, piercing, or bludgeoning, it will also withstand the divine blow.


  • The Druid’s commitment to lighter armor makes it simpler to rely on Dexterity without ignoring other issues, making it a stronger alternative for the Elf than the Cleric. Resistance to sleep and saving throws from being charmed keep you going in assisting your group in difficult circ*mstances. Wood & Pallid Elf, with their modest wisdom boost, make the best choice.

  • Dreams– Members of the Circle of Dreams are Druids from places with significant links to the Feywild. The druids’ management of the environment makes them natural allies with the good-aligned fey. These druids strive to provide joy and light to the world. Their magic heals wounds and offers comfort to sad hearts, and the worlds they guard are bright and fertile.

  • Land– The Circle of the Land preserves ancient knowledge and traditions. Their magic is shaped by the land where they were inducted into the circle’s mysterious ceremonies as part of this circle. Spending time in meditation and communing with nature can help you reclaim some of your magical energy. During a short rest, you can decide whether to regain expended spell slots.

  • Moon– The Circle of the Moon’s Druids are powerful protectors of the wilderness. They travel to the farthest reaches of the wild, where they may go for months without seeing another humanoid or even another druid. The Circle of the Moon lets you accumulate massive amounts of damage with their Wild Shape at low levels. Even when your foes get more difficult, features like Primal Strike and Elemental Wild Shape keep your transformations effective.

  • Shepherd– These druids understand that all living things have a role to play in the natural world, but they are particularly concerned with safeguarding animals and fey creatures who are unable to defend themselves. Furthermore, beasts can understand you to an extent and you can decipher their noises and movements. Most beasts lack the intelligence to communicate or comprehend difficult ideas, but a friendly beast could communicate what it has lately seen or heard.

  • Spores– Life and death, according to these druids, are two components of a larger cycle, with one moving to the other and eventually returning. Death is not the end of life; rather, it is a transition from one state to another. They are encircled by invisible deadly spores that are safe until they’re unleashed, and they gain the power to harness magic into their spores.

  • Stars– Since the dawn of time, these druids have studied cosmic patterns, uncovering mysteries hidden among the stars. The Circle of the Stars aspires to harness the cosmic powers by disclosing and understanding these mysteries. You have the power to use the power of constellations to change your shape. Instead of transforming into a beast, you can use your Wild Shape to change into a starry shape as a bonus action.

  • Wildfire– Druids in the Circle of Wildfire recognize that devastation can lead to creation, like when a forest fire encourages later development. These druids form a relationship with a primeval spirit that possesses both destructive and creative power, allowing them to manipulate flames to burn away one thing while giving life to another. You have forged a bond with a wildfire spirit, a primal creature of creation and devastation. When you gain specific levels in this class, your connection with this spirit provides you access to certain spells, as detailed on the Circle of Wildfire Spells table.


  • One of the only classes in which a wider array of Elf subraces can excel. An Elf may complete any Dexterity-based construct, and based on your subrace, you can prioritize other qualities like spellcasting, stealth, or even skills because the Fighter merely requires an upgrade in either Strength or Dexterity. Free Perception and Darkvision are both incredibly crucial for a Dexterity Fighter build.

  • Arcane Archer– At a high enough level, this plain sharpshooter fighter obtains an extra arcane shot option. For their arcane shot DC, they rely heavily on intellect.

  • Battle Master– The Battle Master’s techniques are so diverse that they provide this class with more combat versatility than a typical fighter. Rather than starting your turn, rolling your attack rolls, and then ending it, you can choose from a variety of choices to improve your attacks. This variety will encourage creative thinking and provide more possibilities for players that want to play non-linear melee builds.

  • Cavalier– Cavaliers are mounted warriors and highly effective melee fighters with a wide range of battlefield management options; even when they don’t have a mount. You gain expertise in one of these abilities when you select this archetype at third level: Animal Handling, History, Insight, Performance, or Persuasion. You could also learn a single language of your choice.

  • Champion– The ideal Champion concentrates on perfecting raw physical strength to lethal precision. This archetype’s followers combine intense training with physical prowess to deliver lethal blows. Simple but powerful. It’s a substantial deal for fighters to hit things with crits regularly.

  • Echo Knight– The Echo Knight has perfected the skill of summoning the fading shades of unimaginable timelines to join them in combat utilizing dunamis. They dash into the conflict as a whirling swarm of shadows, supported by echoes of their force. An echo is a magical, transparent, gray duplicate of yourself that lasts until it’s eliminated, dismissed as a bonus action, manifested again, or you’re disabled.

  • Eldritch Knight– Eldritch Knights are fighters who have learned to cast spells. Evocation spells deal harm to many opponents in one go, increasing the fighter’s fighting range. Abjuration spells provide extra protection in combat. These knights acquire a small number of spells, which they commit to memory rather than storing in a spellbook.

  • Gunslinger– The foundations of controlled explosive power have been discovered through experiments with alchemy and precious metals. The handful who make it through these tests of creativity may be the first to design and masterfully use guns. Unfortunately, unless your DM is merciful enough to let you buy or have some on hand, it’s difficult to craft the ammo for your weapons.

  • Psi Warrior– A Psi Warrior is a fighter who uses psionic-infused weapon blows, telekinetic lashing, and psychic force barriers to augment their physical strength. The defensive powers of this subclass are greater than the offensive ones due to its shield and bulwark abilities. Their weapons can be used for melee and ranged attacks up to 30 feet away.

  • Purple Dragon Knight– Also known as banneret, is a knight who encourages others to excellence by doing heroic acts in battle. The sheer presence of one in a community is enough to drive monsters and outlaws away in search of easier prey. Even the weakly armed army can be transformed into fearsome warriors by a Purple Dragon Knight commanding a band of allies. The downside is that it tries to make a warrior who is practically flawless in battle but quite average in other areas.

  • Renegade– Above all, a renegade is a combatant with cunning charm and confidence. Renegades design their unique guns to exactly suit their personas, with plenty of arrogant flamboyance. With a similar problem to the Gunslinger, their capacity to do immense damage with a single shot (sniper) or harm one or more creatures with a quick shot defines them (pistoleer). At a high enough level, they can use tiny bombs.

  • Rune Knight– These warriors empower their weapons and armor with incredible abilities by using runes, a giant’s language. In the past, giants produced runes, which are ancient glyphs with enigmatic abilities. You have a variety of runes to pick from that can boost your Fighter or have particular effects

  • Samurai– The Samurai is an effective offense Striker who focuses almost entirely on damage production. To use Fighting Spirit’s power to give Advantage quickly, it’s best to use two-handed weapons. The Samurai can also act as a Face thanks to the Elegant Courtier and the Samurai’s Bonus Proficiency. However, there are no support skills to protect or help your comrades, making the Samurai more of a lone ranger.


  • They are masters of unarmed strikes and unarmored fighting that uphold teachings and disciplines. Dexterity & Wisdom is the best ASI for this class making the Wood Elf & Pallied the best subraces to play.

  • Ascendant Dragon– Ascendant Dragon effectively addresses the problem of dealing with many opponents or crowd management. It transforms the Monk into a blaster, letting him tackle groups in a way that no other monk subclass can. You gradually learn new abilities like flight and a type of Frightful Presence that helps you keep enemies at bay while fighting.

  • Astral Self– While keeping the class’s martial abilities, Astral Self enables this Monk to pay greater attention to Wisdom. It allows them to take on an astral form that grants them night vision, a Wisdom and Charisma saving throw bonus, and unusual but beneficial telepathic communication. Apart from that, most of their initial talents allow them to perform pretty much whatever a monk can.

  • Cobalt Soul– They learn to break past their opponent’s mental and physical barriers via intensive practice. They then document their findings for following generations of monks to study when the battle is over. When they use their flurry of attacks and label their opponents investigated, they may reveal features like Damage Vulnerabilities, Damage Resistance, and their opponent’s deepest thoughts.

  • Drunken Master– It allows you to focus on the Monk’s function as a Striker by allowing them to use a hit-then-run style of combat that keeps them alive and out of trouble. Way of the Drunken Master concentrates on unfettered mobility, making it an excellent choice for those who want to wander around the battlefield.

  • Four Elements– This Monk Subclass is among the most diverse and unique of the variations due to its ability to perform spells. It has a druidic feel about it, with the ability to command fish, plants, mountains, and cresting waves. Most monks don’t apply this combat control subclass frequently because the elemental arts need a large number of ki points, Flurry of Blows will almost always be used.

  • Kensei– A monk with the ability to fire huge ranged weapon blows. For their ability to counter, they earn an armor class boost. While this increases damage somewhat, Agile Parry’s phrase renders the Kensei’s main function unusable (perhaps by accident), thus it’s wise to consult your DM before picking this subclass.

  • Long Death– Due to Way of the Long Death’s outstanding tankiness, this Monk becomes extremely difficult to kill, but their offensive and utility options are restricted. Regardless, the Monks are capable of handling themselves. As long as they have a ki point, these monks can endure a deadly strike. Because they can be intimidating, no one wants to attack or confront them.

  • Mercy– These Monks have honed their ability to use Ki to heal and damage others, as well as their Healing ability. Although this Monk doesn’t compare to a Cleric, they can act as Healers Scout, and Striker as part of their responsibilities when there’s none. They have the power to fix certain issues such as bringing the dead back to life.

  • Open Hand– Open Hand has a set of great, well-balanced abilities that aid in the efficient use of the Monk’s main powers. Their method can considerably boost the value of spending one of your precious Ki points to gain an extra attack. Those opponents who fail Constitution save are essentially dead.

  • Shadow– The Way of Shadow monks have a long history of mystery and deceit. Working as assassins and spies, these monks are also regarded as ninjas or shadow dancers. The Way of Shadow gets near-magical abilities allowing them to perform acts far more spectacular than simply striking objects with fury. They can mimic the qualities of certain spells and use their ki to travel in the shadows.

  • Sun Soul– These Monks transform their life energy into bright flashes that mimic the Sun’s. This Subclass combines the fighting abilities of a Monk with the range capabilities of a Blaster or ranged Striker, allowing both to be employed at the same time. The features last a long time because they don’t need Ki to function, but their impact is limited if you don’t spend Ki.


  • As a Paladin, righteous fighters must swear an oath devoted to certain beliefs, effectively making them crusaders who enforce the deities’ ideals. Paladins are Charisma semi-spellcasters who specialize in tanking and dealing damage. Elf subraces that increase Charisma make excellent paladins, but don’t overlook subraces that increase Constitution. However, Elves have a Dexterity boost, free Perception proficiency, and Darkvision, they aren’t particularly useful to Paladins.

  • Ancients– Paladins of the Oath of the Ancients guard the Light of the Ancients, which is a purpose with a lot of room for interpretation. This Subclass grants you extraordinary crowd control and tools not available to regular paladins, as well as Misty Step, which helps you move around more quickly.

  • Conquest– It’s a great blend of crowd control and offense abilities, and it boosts the Paladin’s damage output significantly. It also provides the Paladin with a lot of beneficial skills for dealing with big groups of enemies, which other paladins find difficult. In combat, their spells and channel divinity options are intended to tame and overpower opponents.

  • Crown– These Paladins excel at diverting attention away from their most vulnerable or exposed teammates and then towards themselves, making them an excellent Defender construct. Additional oath talents allow them to absorb damage for their allies, saving your squad time and money by eliminating the need to heal several people in combat.

  • Devotion– The Paladin is usually associated with the Oath of Devotion Paladin as they seem to. A Paladin’s pledge the Oath of Devotion is to protect the weak and uphold the law. This is a good choice with a good balance of talents if you’re undecided about which class to choose or if you’re new to the game and want to accumulate experience.

  • Glory– These Paladins use buffs and support features to aid those around them in accomplishing great feats. The spell selections are largely dependent on Concentrating, and while the benefits of Channel Divinity are incredible, they will wear off quickly, forcing you to look for new spells. The remaining subclass traits are either exceptional or situational, so you’ll use some of them frequently and others only sometimes.

  • Oathbreaker– The basic Paladin formula is practically turned upside down when they break their commitment to serve themselves or a terrible cause. Their immoral energy can also cause death and devastation to people who come into contact with them, as well as necrotic action. The spell list is incredible, with a lot of offensive prospects and consistent damage.

  • Open Sea– They’re sea-loving paladins with a thirst for adventure and a drive to travel. They’ve learned the power to create fog to hide themselves and their companions. They can hurl their enemies back up to 10″ ft with Fury of the Tides, which would be wonderful in a water/pirate-themed game. In the end, the effectiveness of this subclass is dependent on the situation, especially with the campaign theme.

  • Redemption– This is not what comes after if someone decides they no longer want to be an Oathbreaker. When it comes to managing conflict, the Oath of Redemption Paladin favors the more peaceful and pacifist approach compared to other Paladins. Since they primarily rely on spells and special skills rather than physical power, Charisma should be preferred over Strength/Constitution. In many ways, it’s an odd caster but an effective one with the right ability score and play.

  • Vengeance– The Paladin’s striker abilities are highlighted in Oath of Vengeance, to swiftly kill opponents rather than depend on defensive skills. The Paladin is a strong solo character due to their inherent endurance and the Oath of Vengeance’s ability to kill stuff. If your team has adequate support members, the Oath of Vengeance is an excellent option for being the party’s main damage dealer.

  • Watchers– The campaign type has a major effect on the function of Paladins of the Oath of the Watchers because they excel at confronting extraplanar dangers. If your paladin will go long periods without facing extraplanar opponents, several of the features of Oath of the Watcher will be unusable. In terms of functionality, these guardians are one of the least specialized Oaths.


  • A ranger is an expert on survival, proficient martial class over huge groups of opponents, and gives tactical advantages in warfare. Dexterity is exactly what the Ranger needs along with the advantage in saving throws and immunity to sleep.

  • Beast Master– The only rangers in the subclass pack who have a beast with them. You can arm your animal companion with equipment and utilize it as a meat shield while dealing with the damage – providing you with a free bag of hit points- or as a battle buddy. When the ranger is away, your partner gets a turn, which is better than having no turn at all when shocked or immobilized.

  • Drakewarden– The Ranger has a Drake Partner, a draconic spirit that the Drakewarden can materialize. The drake grows larger, develops the ability to fly, and learns to be mounted like a horse over time, transforming it into a formidable battle companion with some modest support abilities. The drake is a powerful and adaptable pet that can be used in virtually any party as a frontline martial character. It is still arguable whether only small to/or medium-sized races can ride the drake or if any size at all.

  • Fey Wanderer– This subclass grants charm and terror resistance. This ability encourages you to attack multiple opponents at once instead of focusing on just one. You can enlist the support of fey beings in addition to what has previously been mentioned.

  • Gloom Stalker– The gloom stalker is known for its stealth, ambush tactics, and lethal assaults. The Gloom Stalker is so dangerous in complete darkness that it’s worth knowing the Darkvision spell so they can use it on the one member of the party who does not have it. Sad to say, using being invisible in the darkness talent is difficult if the game rarely features or involves darkness.

  • Horizon Walker– The multidimensional Rangers are known as Horizon Walkers safeguard the realm-to-realm portals. They aren’t as cunning or mysterious as the Gloom Stalker, but they are no less dangerous. Horizon Walkers have various skills that allow them to travel through planes, but their most prominent ability is they’re able to teleport while fighting.

  • Hunter– Given that it is very modest and lacking the flamboyant magic seen in many Ranger archetypes, the Hunter is a simple yet effective martial choice. The Hunter has the most flexible build options of any ranger subclass, letting you customize your character to fit your desired playstyle and group role. Facing heavily grouped opponents, the hunter has high damage but isn’t overwhelming.

  • Monster Slayer– In many ways, the Monster Slayer is a simplified version of the Hunter. It has similar capabilities, however, due to subclass characteristics, it lacks customizing options. Nevertheless, with a solid combination of damage and durability, it remains a valuable and effective subclass. For individuals who desire to be a basic ranger, the Monster Slayer is a suitable choice.

  • Swarmkeeper– They can conjure swarms of creatures such as locusts, roaches, various insects, twig blights, birds, and fairies. They can move enemies and obstacles away from the defensive line or into melee with their frontliners as an archer, they’re essentially great frontline crowd control.


  • The Rogue mainly needs Dexterity and very little additional, but free Perception proficiency adds a lot to the Rogue’s otherwise impressive abilities. Almost each elf subrace is compatible with the rogue, giving you various choices and builds based on your racial qualities. When paired with Cunning Action, booming blade makes for excellent hit-and-run strategies for high elf rogues.

  • Arcane Trickster– While leveling up as an Arcane Trickster Rogue, they gain the perks of enchantment. They are adaptable and capable of performing stealth attacks in both ordinary and less-than-ideal situations. It should be emphasized, though, that they aren’t full casters, and their spells are all Intelligence-based.

  • Assassin– It is classified as a trap archetype because of its ability to construct false identities, imitates voices, and virtually impersonate another person. They focus their studies on the terrifying art of death. Assassins are more fitted for solo or tactical work because their skills don’t always fit in with the rest of the team.

  • Inquisitive– You’re given detective skills, such as analyzing an opponent’s methods and devising a counter. Aside from boosts in sneak attacks, this subclass limits you in investigation and lie-detecting aspects of a campaign unless you multiclass or have any extra talents. You’ll still be able to fight but nothing extraordinary.

  • Mastermind– Mastermind provides you with a lot of stealth and mimicking talents, allowing you to pass yourself off as someone else almost flawlessly and learn things that other characters couldn’t. Not to mention the added benefit of being able to act as a support. Every other skill is situational and particularly useful in social circ*mstances; it is created as a utility class.

  • Phantom– It takes time to create this subclass. You can acquire one skill or tool proficiency of your choosing after you finish a short or long rest, as a ghostly entity shares its wisdom with you. It’s quite nice to have floating skill proficiency and inflict necrotic damage.

  • Scout– Scouts are excellent at staying hidden and thriving far from the city’s streets, letting them scout ahead of their friends on adventures. This allows them to keep the group alive while traversing dangerous terrain, effectively making them a non-magical rogue.

  • Soulknife– This Rogue has a psychic ability that makes them amazing at skill checks. This, along with knowledge and/or consistent talent, allows them to take any skill and be greater at it on average than practically any other class, whether they have a matching modifier boost. Their telepathy allows them to scout for the party while still being able to communicate promptly and confidentially what they see and hear. It also does not need the use of a common language to communicate.

  • Swashbuckler– Swashbucklers are a fast-moving fighter-thief subclass. They can make it more difficult for the group to be attacked and minimize surprise attacks. The Swashbuckler engages in a variety of voluntary Acrobatics and Athletics moves and checks during combat.

  • Thief– The subclass isn’t designed for fighting, but it excels at utility, support, and stealth. When used properly, their bonus action lets them use items incredibly. Healers kits, for example, can assist the party in a situation while not jeopardizing your offensive powers (when no healer is present). As a bonus action, Fast Hands allows you to consume potions, utilize a medkit, throw acid, anchor yourself, build a tiny trap, apply poison, and more.


  • Drow, Eladrin, & Mark of Shadow elves have bonuses in Charisma, which is all you need to excel as a sorcerer, but they don’t contribute any special qualities that the sorcerer does have. Sorcerers have a magical heritage bestowed upon them by their magical bloodline, extraterrestrial influence, or mysterious cosmic powers. The power picks the sorcerer, not the other way around. Blaster, Controller, Striker, and Utility Caster are perhaps the most common combat roles.

  • Aberrant MindAn alien entity bestows psychic abilities on a sorcerer. Swapping out bonus spells for various ones- if you don’t want or need one- is a fantastic element of the aberrant mind sorcerer. Then you can perform any of your bonus spells as a minor spell for almost nothing, and your bonus action is complete which then means you can toss on a second meta magic to the spell.

  • Clockwork Soul– These Sorcerers draw their power from another plane or Modron’s machinations. The subclass has spell options derived from the Cleric and Wizard, as well as tools to tackle different problems systematically. The Clockwork Soul relies significantly on its spell list. They gain additional known spells that do not count against their spell limit. Restore Balance allows them to help their side by exploiting advantages and disadvantages that would otherwise harm or aid the adversary.

  • Divine Soul– Sorcerers with access to the Cleric’s spell list as well as divine entity-derived abilities. Divine Soul Sorcerers have such a high level of endurance, including a range of defensive bonuses and healing, thanks to their understanding of armor and shields. They can increase their talents by increasing hit probability, defense, healing, and weapon attacks, among other things. Their spell selection is restricted, but fighting them would be like confronting them naked.

  • Draconic Bloodline– Their magical skills are a result of their ancestors’ draconic blood or a blessing from a dragon. They frequently receive the equivalent of Mage Armor and wings. The kind of extra elemental damage they can do depends on whatever Draconic Ancestor they have or that blessed their family. The disadvantage is that they must spend a sorcery point and obtain a brief damage immunity only after casting an elemental spell.

  • Rune Child– A sorcerer whose magic comes from magical runes while their body collects and stores arcane energy. This subclass is severely outdated. Runes are powerful icons that you can use for a variety of effects. A Rune Child can simply expend sorcery points to immediately charge that number of runes, or, as an action, a Rune Child who has no sorcery points and no charged runes can charge one rune.

  • Shadow Sorcery– The Shadowfell gives them their natural magic. U sing Darkness, dark vision, and teleporting from shadow to shadow is their primary power. Shadow sorcery has several useful abilities, like summoning the shadow hound; aside from the edgy flavor, it’s a concrete subclass.

  • Storm Sorcery– The strength of the elemental air determines their power. If you wish to be a thunder god, use lightning and thunder, and deal additional damage to adversaries within 10 feet, this is a nice subclass to attempt. Sorcerers’ abilities are more suited to melee combat, but they still require a solid defense.

  • Wild Magic– Wild Magic is unpredictable, from its origins to its abilities, making it unreliable and hazardous. They gain abilities that allow them to bend and tame Wild Magic, such as regulating its flow, bending luck, lowering the threat, and adding a little more damage. The fundamental problem is that, in addition to being ineffective, the spell might also hurt the party or the objective. It shouldn’t deter anyone from taking this subclass because it may be exciting and entertaining, and preparations can be made by working with the DM.


  • Warlocks are those who seek information buried deep within the multiverse’s fabric. Warlocks receive magical talents by making pacts with strange otherworldly beings. Elves gain a Dexterity boost, which can help a Warlock’s AC a little. Perception skills and Darkvision are advantageous. The extra Charisma is all that’s needed, although Dexterity boosts the Warlock’s AC with light armor which makes for a nice bonus.

  • Archfey– To enchant their opponents’ minds, the Archfey Warlock uses the fey’s glamour or illusion, cunning, enchantment, and magic. The Archfey is a fantastic choice for rookie players that want to study more about spellcasting classes since spellcasting increases your skills without adding considerable complexity.

  • Celestial– These Warlocks transform divine energy into the power of a being from the Upper Planes. The Celestial is a wonderful choice if you enjoy healing yet also want to be a Warlock. On top of the Warlock’s primary abilities, there’s a mix of amazing healing and poor blasting.

  • Fathomless– The qualities of this subclass essentially reflect a Warlock that serves an aquatic creature, entity, or being. Working on or near water, on the other hand, makes up a significant portion of this subcategory. If your patron sends you to do their bidding on dry ground, you’ll quickly lose your importance. Whatever your racial characteristics may be, you’ll need a huge amount of water to be efficient.

  • Fiend– This Subclass invokes the might of the Nine Hells with a burst of dark energy to wreak havoc on your opponents. The Fiend mostly provides offensive options to help the Warlock deal more damage, but it also has a handful of very strong defensive skills. Because the Fiend is mainly a blaster that relies largely on fire damage, the Elemental Adept feat should be studied.

  • Genie– They strike a bargain with a genie in exchange for elemental powers and the genie’s famous ability to grant wishes. You’ll need some thought and patience to come up with unique uses for several of the spell possibilities and class skills. This is a fantastic pick if you’re an experienced player, but if you’re a novice to the game, it may be better to try another subclass.

  • Great Old One– The Subclass receives their power from the unknown while maintaining their sanity. While some of the powers are quite potent, many of them are situational and hence cannot be used regularly. The spells and abilities provide a wide range of options, and the eerie, cultish atmosphere of getting strength from an eldritch entity is appropriate for the Warlock.

  • Hexblade– Warlocks that want to fight in melee will have a hard time finding a better tool than the Hexblade. To channel their skills, they employ a weapon summoned from the domain of shadows. When all of the Hexblade’s capabilities, including its extensive spell list, are combined, it becomes a truly fearsome weapon threat capable of matching or exceeding damage.

  • Undying– Other patrons are superior to the Undying. Because the majority of the powers are situational, the Undying has few alternatives for problem-solving creativity. You have a few alternatives for healing yourself and your buddies, they’re all effective on their own but fall short of the Healing Light function of the Celestial Warlock.


  • One of the most well-known wizard builds is that of a high elf. All that’s needed to excel as a wizard is a raise in Intelligence. The Elf’s Dexterity and Perception will make you less squishy. Even though you already have three cantrips, adding another can help you expand your abilities and impact.

  • Abjuration– They are quite resilient, although they should avoid “tanking” in fights. They have qualities that make them more sturdy than other Wizards to defend them when they are assaulted, but they lack the continuous AC needed to tank without using a lot of spell slots.

  • Bladesinging– This subclass lets the Wizard engage in melee combat while still being able to cast all of the Wizard’s spells. High armor, haste, misty steps, Contingency combinations, and so on can make it fun. They simply need to play smart; else, a single hit will put you in the key danger zone of crashing.

  • Chronurgist– This subclass possesses several free stun spells, as well as the ability to control creatures from afar and deprive opponents of a turn in combat. They can be joined to create a spell storage ring that is completely free. A companion (pet) can be given to each member of the party to aid them in a fight.

  • Conjuration– Teleporting and conjuring beings and objects are this wizard’s specialties. It isn’t the strongest subclass in theory, but it is still a capable wizard in practice. You can use School of Conjuration to test out the Conjuration school of magic, but you won’t be able to perform as a summoner until you achieve level 10.

  • Divination– Divination is very powerful in pretty much any game because of portent. Essentially, Divination wizards receive saving rolls to change results radically, and you can also replace the enemy’s dice roll. It can provide highly potent CC in a large AOE while requiring no attention. It can be used in conjunction with a spell that generates tough terrain to delay enemy movement to 6 feet per turn.

  • Enchantment– These Wizards can alter and change people’s memories, enchant them, and make creatures obey their commands. Half-elf, ironically, can function nicely with this subclass. The trait advantages are excellent for what you want to do, especially because you are multi-attribute reliant. You gain two abilities of your choice, allowing you to use skills like Deception that aren’t on the wizard’s list.

  • Evocation– Evocation is a potent elemental subtype that can be used in a variety of ways. They have a small number of spells that provide extra damage to help them stand out. This makes them approachable for newcomers while remaining effective and functional.

  • Graviturgist– Graviturgy wizards learn to bend and manipulate gravity to their advantage, and their opponents’ detriment. A Graviturgist can accomplish a lot, but it doesn’t imply they can fight on the front lines just because they have gravitational abilities. Graviturgists are more like backup spellcasters than front-line blasters.

  • Illusion– These Wizards can create illusions that can be used to frighten, charm, fool, divert, and trick people. Because this subclass necessitates rapid thinking and inventiveness, they’re as good as the player can make them. Their power and strength are mostly qualitative instead of quantitative. They can be quite useful both in and out of battle, but they lack power.

  • Necromancy– They use necromancy to reawaken the dead and form an undead army capable of defeating their foes. The only drawback is that zombies are unable to wear armor or fire weapons (unless the DM allows it). They can be utilized to create a gigantic barrier, but they aren’t powerful enough to do much harm. Skeletons aren’t invincible, but a large army of the undead is a force to be reckoned with.

  • Order of Scribes– Because they don’t require to carry a spellbook, the Order of Scribes is arguably the most academic of all Wizards. It’s still up for debate whether this subclass lets you spend anything or nothing at all, but it does so without the “wow” effect that comes with being a Wizard.

  • Transmutation– School of Transmutation Wizards can manipulate matter and convert it into whatever they want. Resistances, con saves, speed boosts, and darkvision are among the many free bonuses they receive. Unfortunately, in comparison to other Wizard subclasses, this school is relatively poor.

  • War MagicA subclass that, on paper, appears to be underpowered due to its lack of flash. If you have a minimum of 13 in Intelligence, War Magic is a fantastic choice for multiclassing. It focuses on maintaining concentration, thus it’s a good choice if you’re thinking of battlefield control spells that demand concentration.

Racial Feats/Best Feats

  • Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

  • Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

  • Trance. Elves do not sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semi-conscious, for 4 hours a day. The Common word for this meditation is “trance.” While meditating, you dream after a fashion; such dreams are mental exercises that have become reflexive after years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit a human would from 8 hours of sleep.

  • Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

D&D 5e: Elf Race Guide - Sage Gamers (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.