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D3 Character Planner (almost completed)

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  • #1Feb 23, 2015



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    I've been working on this project for quite some time, and have just finished the main features I intended to add. I still have a couple things in mind so I'll likely keep updating it in the near future.

    The link: http://www.d3planner.com/

    List of features:

    • Paperdoll view with item and skill tooltips
    • Real-time stats on the right side
    • Equipment editor with all existing legendaries, and a list of allowed stats/values for every slot
    • Paragon calculator
    • Skill calculator, displays damage and other information about selected skills, passives, and legendary affixes.
    • Armory import, including archived hardcore characters
    • Save/load profiles and generate short links to them

    I also added a bug tracker to gather feedback, the link is at the bottom of the page.

    Let me know what you think about it!

    Last edited by Riv: Mar 9, 2015

  • ');})();

  • #2Feb 23, 2015



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    (1582-1870)- (1932-2325) for 2-handers.

  • #3Feb 23, 2015



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    Thanks, adding it.

    I don't suppose anyone knows where to find ranges for offhands or shield block values? Kadala won't show them ofc, and official website doesn't show ancient items =\

    Last edited by Riv: Feb 23, 2015

  • #4Feb 23, 2015



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    • Zakarumite
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    Very nice initiative!

  • #6Feb 23, 2015



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    • Zakarumite
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    ancient 1h hand xbow: [1155-1365]-[1410-1700] default 1.6 atk/sec

    Last edited by Mou: Feb 23, 2015

  • #7Feb 23, 2015



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    I wondered something as well, sometimes when you find a really good weapon, the dmg range is higher than tooltips allows. Anyone knows how?

  • #8Feb 23, 2015



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    adding a tooltip under import like "paradoks#2270" for import would be helpful so you don't have to guess what info to put there.

  • #10Feb 24, 2015



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    @Mou: thanks, now I have everything except shield block & offhand damage.

    @ParadokS & QonSeQent: done and done.

    Not sure what you mean by damage range being higher - you mean you find weapons in-game that have higher damage than what it says when you ctrl-mouse over it? I noticed that with ancient offhands, but afaik the weapons display correct ranges.

    Last edited by Rivx: Feb 24, 2015

  • #11Feb 24, 2015



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    I have a handful of Ancient OH Sources. Unfortunately, you can't re-roll / enchant damage and Ctrl doesn't tell you the max ranges as of now.

    (409/481) - (514/577) are the min/max rolls I have so far.

  • #12Feb 24, 2015



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    I have a 460-580 (shame its a chantodos), and I haven't seen any above 580 so maybe its the cap. I just put in 400-600 for now because its pretty much impossible to tell for sure (considering the game says 380-450 when you mouse over).

  • #13Feb 24, 2015



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    Great site really do like it!!!

    just one thing i couldnt add + 7 Maximum Wrath to my shield

    Last edited by Lego: Feb 24, 2015

    D3 Character Planner (almost completed) - Diablo III General Discussion - [read-only] Diablo Forums - Forums (12)

  • #14Feb 24, 2015



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    There was already an AWESOME site made a long time ago but not maintained anymore. Which had all this sites functions and a lot more, like comparing items, saving profiles etc. But can't remember the name of it D3 Character Planner (almost completed) - Diablo III General Discussion - [read-only] Diablo Forums - Forums (14)

    Feels a bit like you are reinventing the wheel. Can anyone remember the site?

  • #15Feb 24, 2015



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    There's d3rawr but its had that "I'm slowly updating for RoS" for months. I tried contacting the owner and received no reply so I started this.

    You can save profiles btw, its in the "Import" tab. Should rename it to something more intuitive? I just can't think of a better name that would fit in the small space.

    I'm also adding a chart in bottom left that will display DPS (or any other stat) changes as you change gear/skills and will allow you to quickly revert to a previous point.

  • #18Mar 5, 2015



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    Too awesome! Great job man D3 Character Planner (almost completed) - Diablo III General Discussion - [read-only] Diablo Forums - Forums (17) As a web developer I have to say, this is really well done. Must have taken you quite a long time. I for one really appreciate it!

  • #19Mar 5, 2015



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    Great work. Really good tool Cheers!


  • #20Mar 5, 2015



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    I just had a nerdgasm. Seriously, been looking for a tool like this for years.

  • #25Mar 6, 2015



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  • #26Mar 6, 2015



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    My ancient 1H X-Bow shows this damage range: 1155-1365 to 1410-1700.

    Hope it helps.

  • #27Mar 6, 2015



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    I think it's really cool, but, look like you haven't got to implement the "include in stat" functionality for the grenadier.

    Please implement as this is a major component of Cluster Arrows: Loaded for Bear. It would be cool to see the difference from Maelstrom which is rocket based.

    As a suggestion, this tool would be an absolute killer it if you could eventually include a graph of bell curves of the damage range for each skill in with crit an non-crit rolls. This would be useful in making some decisions in resource management if the was a way to directly compare skill to skill.

    Overall very nicely done. The import worked very well, too. Excellent job.

  • #28Mar 6, 2015



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    Update: added almost everything in here.

    Quote from Substring»

    Hey Riv,

    Congrats for your tool, i find it quite useful. May i give you a few ideas ?

    - 1st of all, i'd like to know where the data of save/import is stored ? localdb or on your server ?

    - missing some CSS on the right panel with all the stats, the font is the default one D3 Character Planner (almost completed) - Diablo III General Discussion - [read-only] Diablo Forums - Forums (24)

    - there is a feature that is just awesome on diablo3tracker.com : if you check for example your % fire dmg, it says from which parts you got it from. That's awesome. If you want to make d3planner the ultimate character builder, you'd need to add some info like d3maxstats.com ... I mean, let's say I want more CDR, but i don't know where i can have it ... When i bring my mouse over my current RCR, a tooltip saying what parts gave me my RCR (don't forget sets), if that part has max RCR (my shoulders have 5% whereas they could have 8%, for example), and if there are some pieces that could give me RCR but it didn't roll, d3planner tells me D3 Character Planner (almost completed) - Diablo III General Discussion - [read-only] Diablo Forums - Forums (25) For example :

    |Part |Name |Cur|Max |
    |Helm |Sunwuko's Crown |11%|12.5% (Gem) + 8%(Erlang Shen) or 25% (Leorics |
    |Shoulders|Sunwuko's Balance| 8%| 8% |
    |Set |Born's Command |10%| 10% |
    |Skill |Beacon of Ytar |20%| 20% |
    Total 41% 42% (Leoric : 50%)

    - the uptime on a skill as a percentage ... I don't get it ... Why not mention the downtime as on https://bannedofgamers.com/index.php?cdr/ ? I mean : what is interesting is "according to my CD, how much should i wait before pressing my key again ? How long am i vulnerable ?"

    - for theorycrafting lovers (or wannabe's, like me), getting the formula behind your numbers would be a great source of information, and how to get stronger. This way, i would understand why some skills should deal zillions of dmg on d3planner whereas they don't at all on real life D3 Character Planner (almost completed) - Diablo III General Discussion - [read-only] Diablo Forums - Forums (26)

    - mitigation data could be helpful... Like you do on offense "+1% CHC give XXX DPS", add to defense "+100 resist" or "+100 armor" or "+100 primary stat"

    - i'm sure d3planner could remember me once i close my browser, so that i don't have to type my battletag again D3 Character Planner (almost completed) - Diablo III General Discussion - [read-only] Diablo Forums - Forums (27)

    Still, your tool is just great ! Finally, i know what DPS to expect from a skill ! That's precious <3

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to answer the questions.

    1. Its stored on the server, the usage seems pretty low atm (~1 MB with about 400 saved profiles) so there is no rush to limit save slots or anything.

    2. Good point, I should have tested it with different browser configurations I guess. (fixed)

    3. I'll think about it.. do you think simply adding it as extra lines in the tooltip when you mouse over the stats is good enough? (added - stat tooltips now display the sources and possible values for every slot)

    4. I could add that into the tooltip for Uptime, sure. (added tooltip for Uptime stat)

    5. I'm not sure if all the formulas are right but I hope I got the most used ones at least. I could add more details in the tooltip, though I'll probably skip the less used ones as it would be too much work otherwise. Can you give an example of skills that show as much more damage than what you see in-game?

    6. Sure! (added)

    7. It doesn't save any cookies atm but I could add something like that I suppose. (added)

    This is freaking awesome, thanks for your work!

    Pro-tip: you could make a donate page! If it could help develop the tool.

    Idea: Could you make a "switch" function per slot? (like we had for weapons in D2). So we can switch gear back and forth to compare!

    Idea: Donators get the formula's?:)

    Idea: Make a PTR version (which would probably be a hell of a job for you, but doesn't hurt to ask:))

    Idea: Show min/max behind stats.

    I added a feature that lets you switch between entire sets already, so adding another one for separate slots might be a bit of an overkill. You can, however, change an item, and then use the graph to see how that affected your damage, and click on the nodes to undo latest actions.

    The non-obvious formulas were collected from various topics on forums, so they're quite easy to find anyway. You could ask about specific ones if you're really interested. I'm thinking about adding a comprehensive manual, which could include a list of formulas (so maybe someone will go through them one day and point out the inaccuracies).

    I'm slowly working on a PTR version, though if I could find a way to unpack the game data it would help a lot.

    If you mean the min/max values of stats you can enter on an item, you can see those when you mouse over the input box. I could do it with the same tooltips used everywhere else to make it more responsive, though. (added improved tooltips)

    I think it's really cool, but, look like you haven't got to implement the "include in stat" functionality for the grenadier.

    Please implement as this is a major component of Cluster Arrows: Loaded for Bear. It would be cool to see the difference from Maelstrom which is rocket based.

    As a suggestion, this tool would be an absolute killer it if you could eventually include a graph of bell curves of the damage range for each skill in with crit an non-crit rolls. This would be useful in making some decisions in resource management if the was a way to directly compare skill to skill.

    It works for me. The checkboxes are only present on skills/passives that require some condition to work. Like, Cull the Weak requires enemies to be slowed, so there might be times when you won't benefit from it.

    As far as I know, the damage rolls are evenly distributed between min-max values so it will be two rectangles instead of a bell for most skills, which is pretty useless.

    Last edited by Rivx: Mar 6, 2015

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