Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2024)

Last updated on Mar 08, 2024 at 00:00by EMP1241

This is the perfect leveling guide for new players wanting to start with Shaman!This page will cover everything and anything you could need to know about leveling the class,including which skills to use, what stats to prioritize, and what uniques are useful early inthe game.



This version of the Shamans's leveling build is focused around consistant high area damageand amror and endurance. The build is extremely beginner friendly and can be used all theway to level 70 without any issue. It is very possible to leave this guide earlierfor an end-game build guide if proper equipment is picked up. However, it is recomended towait until level 70.

This build uses Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (1)Avalanche as it's main damage skill. This build also utilizes Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2)Fury Leapwhich is automated to work with Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (3)Upheaval as our movement skill. Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (4)Upheaval will also add amassive amount of a Armor and Endurance with Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (5)Upheaval from Primal Bulwark. We also capitalizeon automation with Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (6)Maelstrom, which will give us AoE damage and a massive boost in movement speed.

Defensively, this build relies on the EHP received from Resistances, Armor, Endurance and stacking flat HP.We will also generate ample of extra endurance and armor through our skills. The base class of Primalist isnotorious for being tanky, this leveling build is no exception.

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (7)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (8)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (9)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (10)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (11)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (12)


Shaman Leveling Passive Trees

Class PassivesSkill Passives


AvalancheFury LeapMaelstromUpheavalWarcry


Primalist Passive Tree

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (13)

Primalist passives are mostly used to provide a defensive boost to our character with Cold and Lightning Resistance.These nodes will increase our Attunement, Base HP, and HP Regen.

Plan to only invest 20 points in this tree, as that's the minimum requirement needed to unlock the Shaman, Druid and Beastmaster passive trees.


Shaman Passive Tree

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (14)

This build will also utilize Druid and Beastmaster passive trees, albeit a small number of points. We prioritize majority point into Shaman,as this tree will provide majority of our offensive base damage. This build will use mostly base skills from the Primalist, but Avalanche is thesole mastery specific skill that is used. Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (15)Avalanche is scaled to last for 8 seconds, which will match the cooldown of the skill. Sincewe are not channeling, we will regen mana while the boulders are falling. Most of this build will be a player casting Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (16)Avalanche, leapinginto combat with Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (17)Fury Leap, which will proc Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (18)Upheaval, which gives armor and endurance when it hits an enemy. As you kill enemies,you have a 25% chance to generate a stack of Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (19)Maelstrom, which upon reaching 6 stacks, will give you a massive speed boost. Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (20)Warcrycan be used to as a heal, cleanse, instantly generate four stacks of Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (21)Maelstrom, and will also pull enemies into you, which makes them easierto hit with your Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (22)Avalanche.

To start off, place the max amount of points into Natural Attunement, five points into Hunter's Restoration andthen seven points into Primal Strength. Natural Attunement will give us a strong start to our Attunement. Attunmentwill be important for both Primal Bulwark and Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (23)Maelstrom. Attunement also is imperative for our base mana pool.

At the point of reaching level 70 and having finished all quests, you should have a total of 20 points into Primalist and49 points into Shaman. You will also have 8 points in the Beastmaster and 6 points in the Druid.


Druid Passive Tree

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (24)

Druid passives are just limited to the singular node of Chitinous Plating where six points are allocated for the sole purposeof buffing Armor and Endurance.


Beastmaster Passive Tree

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (25)

Beastmaster passives are also limited to a single node. This node is for a flat damage reduction from Ursine Strengthwhere we've allocated 8 points.



Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (26)

Our main damage skill used for this build is Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (27)Avalanche.This skill has a large AoE that randomly hits in a large area around our character.Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (28)Avalanche will allow us to run around and while we Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (29)Fury Leap generating Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (30)Maelstrom stacks.

While pathing Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (31)Avalanche, prioritize Hailstorm before other nodes. This will ensure our Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (32)Avalanchecontinues to fall around us while we traverse the campaign. Once you collect that node, move to Frost to full convertthe damage to cold, this is where our damage will come online. We then focus on Snow Storm in order to create theseboulders of frost more often. We do not have a mana generator, however, since we are not channeling, we still regenerate manawhile the skill is on cooldown.


Fury Leap

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (33)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (34)Fury Leap is our primary traversal skill and is how we set up automation with Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (35)Upheaval. We use the tree toreduce the cooldown and reduce Mana cost.

Initially, path towards Violent Upheaval. Once there we work towards Warrior's Entrance to boost ourSpell Damage. From there path we go to Panther Strike in order reduce the cooldown.



Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (36)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (37)Maelstrom is going to pump out decent AoE Spell Damage as well as increase your movespeed. This will be automaticallygenerated from killing with Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (38)Gathering Storm. This also has significant damage boost from Turbulence, considering weshould be well over 60 Attunement.

When scaling this, you should work towards Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (39)Gathering Storm firstfollowed by Windfury to boost Movement Speed.



Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (40)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (41)Upheaval is a massive boost to our defensive scalers. It also helps with the upkeep of six stacks of Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (42)Maelstrom we needin order to keep our area DPS and Movement Speed up.

Initially, path towards Through Muck and Clay, being sure to max the nodes Terrain Delving and Primal Bulwark.We then path to Glacial Cascade, to take advanatage of some extra damage by converting to Cold. The remainder of pointsjust help us hit more enemies, ensuring that Primal Bulwark does get its stacks. If you ever fall below six stacks of Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (43)Maelstrom,the Earth Armor will be consumed to give you more Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (44)Maelstrom.



Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (45)

Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (46)Warcry is used primarily as a heal and a way to generate four stacks of Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (47)Maelstrom on use. However, itdoes some damage and purposely pulls enemies closer to us. This ensures they are close enough to be hit by theShaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (48)Avalanche constantly dealing damage around us.

Path towards the node Whirlpool, being sure to max it and also grab the singular point in Purging Shout.We then path towards Shallow Breath, grabbing only the minimum points along the way. We will then convert the skillto cold with Jormun's Wrath, and finish at Apprehend.

Image courtesy of Last Epoch Tools


Damage Rotation

Clearing and Bossing will follow the same approach. The only difference would be positioningand the avoidance of high damage mechanics. Open up with Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (49)Avalanche and use Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (50)Upheaval manuallywhen needed to generate stacks of Earth Armor. Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (51)Fury Leap into packs ONLY when Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (52)Avalancheis active and not about to run out.


Gearing and Affixes

The Primalist Avalanche leveling build utilizes a easy to obtain wand and low level off-hand catalyst.The affixes shown in the planner are ideal, but was tested with T3-T5 rolls with no issues. We try to targetaffixes like Attunement, Vitality, Increased Spell Critical Strike Chance, and Added Critical Strike Multiplier.It is possible to mix and match the shown defensive affixes amongst the gear, this is just how it was balanced.Mana Regeneration is important in this build, as we do not use a mana generating skill, however, Mana ReductionCost is used where we can.

Below is a list of Affixes you should aim for to better suit the playstyle of this build. This Primalistscales well with Attunement, thus it should be prioritized on gear pieces when possible for bothdamage and look to Vitality for survivability.

Increased Spell Crit Strike Chance
Crit Strike Multiplier
Shred Armor on Hit
Increased Mana Regen
Increased Cold Damage
Increased Health
Flat Health
Increased Armor
Endurance Threshold


Progressing to Endgame

This build will carry you all the way to the start of the Monolith, whereyou will need to decide on an Endgame build to follow. Below are the optionsavailable for Shamans.

Tempest Strike Totem Master BuildAvalanche Build



  • 30 Nov. 2023: Guide added.

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Shaman Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2024)


How to level fast in Last Epoch? ›

In Last Epoch, the key to earning experience points is defeating enemies. To boost your experience, aim to face higher-level enemies in maps and keep an eye out for Rare enemies as they offer better loot and more EXP. Try to tackle the toughest maps you can handle well to maximize your EXP gains.

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Depending on the player's skill level and knowledge of the game, it will take approximately 60–70 hours from the first boot-up of Last Epoch to level 100. Completion of the game is around 18–20 hours, leaving players with a heavy grind to reach max level and become the strongest they can be in the game.

What is a caster primalist in the Last Epoch? ›

Primalists in Last Epoch are one with nature. These powerful spellcasters turn animals, weather, and the earth itself against their enemies. Primalists can summon beasts or transform into them, hunting foes across the Timelines.

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The maximum level for your character in Last Epoch is 100. However, as is the case with so many action RPGs, there are plenty of other things to focus on making stronger outside of just the main number.

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Pushing corruption is key to increasing your XP gain. Hunt down Tome of Experience rewards for significant experience boosts. Avoid Arenas and dangerous modifiers to optimize your runs. Utilize the Vessel of Chaos and Vessel of Memory to reroll and complete rewards.

Can you get banned on Last Epoch? ›

Last Epoch, the RPG taking on the likes of Diablo 4 and Path of Exile, permanently bans players who have exploited a gold duplication issue.

How many mastery points do you need in the Last Epoch? ›

However, it's important to note that in order to select a Mastery Class at this point, you must have invested 20 Passive Points into your Last Epoch Base Class, which are gained through completing quests and leveling up.

Can you reset mastery in Last Epoch? ›

While you can't flat-out change your Mastery, you can respec the points invested into your base class and specialization for a price in Last Epoch.

Can you power level in the Last Epoch? ›

While power leveling is possible in Last Epoch by teaming up with higher-level players, it comes with limitations. When teamed with a stronger player, you'll only gain experience as if the monster was slightly above your level, capping the benefits.

What is the best primalist class in the Last Epoch? ›

Last Epoch Best Primalist Druid build. The Primalist Druid Mastery specialises in shapeshifting into bestial forms, and this Lightning Swarmblade build morphs your Primalist into an insectoid with a wide variety of killer abilities, including summoning locusts and cutting via razor-sharp claws.

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Best Last Epoch Acolyte mastery

The Necromancer is undoubtedly the best mastery because you can summon hordes of the undead, as found in our guide to the best Last Epoch Acolyte builds with our Skeletal Mage Necromancer. This lets you sit back and let your minions do the work for you, essentially.

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What is Legendary Potential? Legendary Potential in Last Epoch opens up a world of possibilities for improving and enhancing your gear. A Unique Item with Legendary Potential means you can spend resources and time running through the Temporal Sanctum Dungeon to mold a Unique into a Legendary Item.

What is the highest skill cap in the Last Epoch? ›

The base skill point cap is 20 on every ability, however, this cap can be increased through affixes. By equipping BiS affixes, some highly-refined builds are able to push their skill points cap as high as 30 with optimal gear.

What is the endgame for the Last Epoch? ›

The endgame in Last Epoch revolves primarily around Monoliths of Fate. Your first one, Fall of the Outcasts, unlocks upon reaching The End of Time. However, every enemy you face in the first Monolith of Fate will automatically be level 58.

Can you fully respec in the Last Epoch? ›

There are dozens of different skill trees you can access in Last Epoch, but you're not stuck with the choices you make. No matter what class you're using or how far along you are in the game, you're able to fully respec both your Mastery and Skill Points in Last Epoch.

How do skills level up in the Last Epoch? ›

Upon unlocking a Skill Specialization Slot, you can choose to Specialize in a skill that your character currently knows. Doing so allows you to level up that skill and invest points into its Specialization Tree. Skills have a natural maximum level of 20.

How to unlock level 100 monolith Last Epoch? ›

Unlocking Empowered Monoliths in Last Epoch requires:
  1. Beating level 90 Spirits of Fire, Last Ruin, and Age of Winter monoliths.
  2. Finding the hidden chest on the island between them.
  3. Choosing the new Empowered difficulty when selecting monoliths.
Mar 3, 2024

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.