The Force Is Not a Quirk! (Fanfic) - TV Tropes (2024)

The Force Is Not A Quirk! is a My Hero Academia/Star Wars crossover fic by Mr. Chaos.

After falling into a trap by Count Dooku, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Padme, and Rex are saved from certain death when an unknown force teleports them to a far-off planet called Earth, on the grounds of U.A. High School. The five of them soon realize that they can never leave this new world, and as they begin their new lives as heroes, the society of heroes will never be the same again.

It can be found on FanFiction.Net hereThe Force Is Not a Quirk! (Fanfic) - TV Tropes (1).

The Force Is Not A Quirk! contains examples of:

  • Adaptation Deviation:
    • Rex meets Izuku Midoriya in a shopping mall and, after learning how hard the boy has had it due to being Quirkless, personally resolves to train him to be a hero even without a Quirk. This is well before the Sludge Villain incident, and thus, Izuku remains Quirkless and never ends up meeting All Might.
    • Obi-Wan points out several flaws in the rest of the teachers' teaching styles and what they could be doing instead, making all of them feel like students being lectured again. Principal Nedzu hires him as the new Heroics teacher on the spot, meaning All Might never becomes a teacher.
    • It's still someone without a Quirk who rescues Bakugo from the sludge villain and inspires All Might to give One For All to them. But in this case, it's Padme, who stalls the sludge villain by opening a nearby fire hydrant and pulling Bakugo free, stalling the villain long enough for All Might to appear, and then scathingly lecturing the other heroes looking on about how they stood around instead of acting.
    • And from there, while Padme accepts the offer, she wants to know everything he has to tell about One For All. And when Yagi finds he has more questions than answers, he reluctantly takes her to meet Gran Torino, whom she immediately lambasts for being a horrible teacher. The old man admits as much, due to his own grief at Nana's passing, and he immediately begins passing on knowledge and training Padme.
      • Between Padme undergoing her training with Gran, who hates traveling, and Rex seeing the cluttered Dagobah Beach as an ideal simulation spot for a messy battlefield, the beach never gets cleaned up and remains a junk heap.
    • Obi-Wan talks Inasa Yoarashi through his newfound hatred of Endeavor and his son, discerning that it stems from his own fear that he could become someone full of hate like them. As such, Inasa never withdraws his application and enrolls in U.A.
    • Because All Might never became a U.A. teacher, the League of Villains never attacks the USJ. Instead, they attack All Might at the surprise press conference where he introduces Star Might. Among the attendants of said conference is Chitose Kizuki of the Meta Liberation Army, and seeing the damage that Shigaraki and company can do to their cause, the MLA silently and unwittingly declares war against the League of Villains far sooner than in canon.
    • At Midnight's insistence, she and Obi-Wan play hooky while 1-A is at the USJ, but as they're about to enter a steakhouse, they hear the whimpering of a child in an alley, which turns out to be Eri. Seeing her state, Obi-Wan sends her handler away with a mind trick and stays beside her, only for the League's attack to cause the nearby building to come down on Obi-Wan. They escape thanks to the Force, but her handler ends up dead from the collapse. Thus, while Obi-Wan adopts Eri and Nedzu crafts her a new identity to ensure her erstwhile keepers never find her, Overhaul fully believes she's dead, and that the League of Villains is to blame.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Abundant.
    • Rex becomes Izuku's mentor instead of All Might.
    • Since Padme is the one who saves Bakugo from the sludge villain, Bakugo's hatred of Izuku remains as strong as it ever was. Stronger, even, since he got into U.A. despite being Quirkless.
    • Kirishima and Yaoyorozu team up during the Entrance Exam, starting them off on good terms.
    • Tsuyu Asui grows friendly with Bakugo despite his behavior, as her first impression was him being the only one who bothered to try helping her when she was about to get killed by a Zero-Pointer during the entrance exam. Even though the exam ended before the robot would have killed her, it still left an impact on her.
    • Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far away, thanks to the Clone Wars' suspension from Anakin's disappearance and Qui-Gon giving him justifiable reasons to doubt Darth Sidious, Count Dooku turns against his master. Not overtly, yet, but he assigns Ventress to hack his database to get information. And when she succeeds, he formally dubs her Darth Fatele.
  • Adapted Out:
    • Izuku's father, The Ghost in canon due to being overseas for work, seemingly has no place in this story, considering that Inko and Rex begin a relationship.
    • Ojiro, Koda, Sato, Sero, Hagakure, and Mineta all end up in Class 1-B instead of 1-A.
  • Amazon Chaser: Anakin, already very much in love with Padme, is very happy when she becomes an Amazonian Beauty due to her training and getting One For All.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Padme develops this while training to receive One For All. Once she has it, it counts twice as much, as she can increase her muscle mass like All Might can. And Anakin is very happy.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Padme and Anakin are this for Ahsoka, despite being only her guardians (both on paper and in reality), during the Sports Festival. Orange face paint, giant foam fingers, foam hats that resemble her montrals...

    Narration: Ahsoka gripped her own head in her hands and fought the urge to scream.

  • Armor-Piercing Question: In Chapter 41, after Ahsoka calls him out for letting Bakugo threaten her, Aizawa bitterly realizes that he's conformed to favoring the strong and powerful and ignoring everyone else. When Midnight protests this, he shuts her down with this question:

    Aizawa: If it had been one of the Gen Ed students coming up to Tano and claiming she was a cheat and using their Quirk next to her would you, or would you not, have put them to sleep?
    Midnight: (silence)
    Aizawa: I thought so.

  • Armor-Piercing Response: In Chapter 5, Padme explains to Anakin why, even with the Clone Wars going on, their only option is to remain on Earth for the rest of their lives: if Earth and its many Quirks ever became known to the rest of the universe, the planet would instantly become the new focus of the war, every side wanting to have Quirk-users for their own benefits. Anakin sums it up in his own mind: the entire planet would be enslaved.
  • Artificial Limbs: As in canon, Anakin has a prosthetic arm. This gets a lot of notice from those aware of it, since it's well beyond the standard for such things on Earth.
  • Ascended Extra: Due to the De-Escalation test in the entrance exams, a few different students make it into 1-A: Hitoshi Shinso, Togaru Kamakiri, Reiko Yanagi, Kinoko Komori, and Inasa Yoarashi, who remained at 1-A thanks to talking through his hate with Obi-Wan.
    • Komori even takes Ida's place as class president, bumping him down to VP.
  • Badass Normal:
    • Padme Amidala is physically the weakest of the Jedi group. Mentally, however, she's easily the strongest, able to talk down to Gran Torino and match wits with Principal Nedzu without flinching. Anakin mentions in Chapter 6 that if she had been able to use the Force, Dooku would have surrendered the war in a matter of days. Of course, she loses this status when she receives One For All.
    • Izuku Midoriya doesn't receive One For All in this fic. What he gets instead is combat training from a military commander and his own suit of armor and energy blasters. Coupled with his natural Awesome by Analysis abilities, and he's able to stand with anyone who has a Quirk.
  • Bait-and-Switch: The entirety of Chapter 28: as Class 1-A approaches the USJ, Obi-Wan and Midnight leave U.A.'s campus for a date—at Midnight's encouragement—while Anakin and Rex go out of the city for his project and Padme and All Might are busy at the press conference where he's introducing Star Might to the world. And at the end of the chapter, as Class 1-A leaves the USJ unharmed, only for an emergency alarm to announce an attack by the League of Villains at the press conference.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: At the start of Chapter 16, during the entrance exam, Ahsoka, Izuku, and Ochako have a conversation about lightsabers and blasters while destroying the robots, a nostalgic thing for Ahsoka.
  • Code Name: Mandatory for heroes, after all.
    • The men of the Jedi group get theirs in Chapter 6. Rex becomes the Super Soldier Hero: Dualshot, at Midnight's suggestion, and is satisfied; Anakin becomes the Mech Making Hero: Sir Steel, also at Midnight's suggestion, and is not fully satisfied; and Obi-Wan becomes the Diplomatic Hero: Negotiator at his own suggestion, and Midnight is satisfied.
    • When Padme resolves to take on One For All, she and Yagi come up with the name Star Might, underlining her relationship with All Might.
    • Anakin's vigilante persona debuts at the end of Chapter 37. His name is, of course, Vader. Chapter 39 mentions that it was supposed to be Invader, but an error in the mask's mechanics cut off the first syllable.
    • In Chapter 54, Class 1-A decides on their hero names, and due to various factors, several choose different ones than in canon:
      • Mina Ashido, "Pinkie" in canon, becomes Nebulady at Tsu's suggestion to resonate with her original choice, Alien Queen.
      • Bakugo Katsuki, "Dynomight" in canon (after taking months to make up his mind), becomes Grand Nitro, also at Tsu's suggestion.
      • Hitoshi Shinso, unnamed in canon, considers the name Mindjack, though Izuku dissuades him from taking a name that gives a clear hint to what one's Quirk can do.
      • Izuku Midoriya, "Deku" in canon, becomes Longshot both in honor of Rex and because him being a Quirkless hero is a longshot.
      • Kyoka Jiro, "Earphone Jack" in canon, becomes Vibeout, due to Izuku knowing how easy it would be for anyone to obtain and abuse all of her personal information just by knowing the name of her Quirk.
      • Tenya Ida, "Ingenium" in canon, becomes Ingineer, honoring his brother while still building his own identity.
      • Momo Yaoyorozu, "Creati" in canon, becomes Chirasu, named after the goddess of ninjas, due to her taking on a ninja theme at Izuku's suggestion.
      • Shoto Todoroki, "Shoto" in canon, becomes Solarfreeze, calling to mind how his mother reminded him of the sun even as she made it snow.
      • Ahsoka gets her own hero name due to how she's brought the group together: Fulcrum.
  • Crazy-Prepared: At some point in the past, Dooku spent a great deal of money to create a special one-of-a-kind communicator that connected to Ventress, with half of the money he spent ensuring that nobody else, not even Palpatine, knew of its existence. This device comes in handy when he starts suspecting Palpatine's treachery.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: Discussed and deconstructed in Aizawa's case. His reasoning for his harsh style may be fair, but Obi-Wan's counterarguments are fairer.
    • When Aizawa has his class do Quirk Assessments instead of attending the welcoming ceremony, Obi-Wan confronts him. Aizawa defends his actions, saying it's vital for grown heroes to be lacking in arrogance and overflowing with competence and drive, the better for them to do their jobs and, more importantly, survive them. Obi-Wan agrees but states that the ceremony informed the students of the school counselor and the available support programs, the better to ensure that they survive mentally as well as physically.
    • When discussing Aizawa's "logical ruse" of threatening expulsion to whoever does the worst performance in the Quirk Assessment, Obi-Wan muses that while he sees what he's going for, it will make his job harder: a bond of trust is vital for students to be willing to confide in their teachers, and how can they trust someone who lied to their faces the first day they met him? Aizawa claims he doesn't need them to trust him, only to listen to him...and even he doesn't believe that.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Anakin is acutely attracted to muscular women.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Anakin cites this in Chapter 32, saying that while it was for purely pragmatic reasons, even the Hutts never tortured their slaves. This is in response to Eri's scars, telling that that was the story of her past.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: A very minor instance in Chapter 57 as far as the "Oh, Crap!" goes: the chapter starts with Aoyama approaching Izuku and Ahsoka to speak with the former, and Ahsoka is suddenly struck by how much the two contrast: their hair, their fashion sense, their study habits...and their honesty. As Ahsoka compares Izuku's openness to Aoyama, she realizes that she can sense in the Force that the blond boy is lying about everything.
  • Fantastic Ableism: Quirkism, specifically, seeing Quirkless individuals as lesser compared to the rest of the world.
  • Foreshadowing: In Chapter 61, Dex tells Yoda and Plo Koon that Obi-Wan and company are alive and thriving, albeit forever beyond their reach, and proceeds to tell them about the world of Quirks. Which means that they're the only ones who have a chance of recognizing the abilities of Dabi, Toga, and Magne.
  • Future Shadowing: In Chapter 61, Darth Sidious performs a dark ritual in an attempt to scry out Anakin. After two attempts by the artifact he's using to avoid showing him the truth, the third one gives a glimpse of what's to come: Anakin as Vader, red lightsaber and all, standing before All For One with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sidious, however, dismisses the whole thing as another false vision when Obi-Wan lights a red lightsaber of his own, rightfully believing that Kenobi would never turn to the Dark Side.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Anakin, as in canon, is a prodigy in building machines. On Earth, he quickly goes from taking apart everyday appliances to make them more efficient to creating revolutionary prosthetics and the planet's first artificial organs, which will be hitting the market as soon as they have sufficient proof of concept. Heck, even with the reduced resources of Earth, he manages to create a red kyber crystal, and thus a red lightsaber, something everyone thought impossible back home.
  • Gilligan Cut: In Chapter 40, when Anakin (for the umpteenth time) presents valid reasoning for them going to counseling with Hound Dog, and Padme says they can wait until after the Sports Festival, saying Hound Dog is probably busy. Cut to Hound Dog building a castle of playing cards.
  • Glad He's On Our Side: Anakin at one point says that Obi-Wan would kill them all if he ever fell to the Dark Side.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Invoked by Padme, with a liberal dose of Because You Were Nice to Me, when she begins working at Might Tower. She intends to use her new position to help rehabilitate villains.
    • The first one she recruits is Gentle Criminal. In Chapter 35, he mentions he's almost convinced La Brava to join them.
    • She also takes a look at Stain, not because she plans to rehabilitate him but because many of his victims are small-time criminals and vigilantes undeserving of death.
  • Heel Realization:
    • Obi-Wan lectures Aizawa a fair amount about the importance of having a bond of trust with his students. It's only in Chapter 41, when Ahsoka calls him out for not defending her when Bakugo was threatening her with his Quirk in front of thousands of people, that he realizes just how badly he's doing, even to the point of favoring people with flashy and powerful Quirks the way he hates that society does. Cementoss notes that Aizawa may as well be stuttering and trembling from how much the realization shook him.
    • To a very minor extent, this applies also to Stain. After Vader stops him from killing Ingenium, he takes a step back while recovering and realizes that he misjudged Tensei Iida, that he was deserving of being called a hero, and that he had targeted him less for justice and more for convenience. In the end, Stain is an insane Knight Templar, but he has standards, and he refocuses at realizing he's slipped from them.
  • Hero of Another Story: We find out that the Force's world-warping goes both ways, as in Chapter 56, Touya "Dabi" Todoroki, Himiko Toga, and Magne inexplicably appear on Wasskah, where they use their powers to save Kalifa from the Trandoshan hunters. Qui-Gon heavily implies that they're going to give Dooku serious trouble going forward.
  • The Hero's Idol:
    • Rex becomes this for Izuku instead of All Might, giving him living proof that someone can be a great hero without a Quirk. Of course, that's not to say Izuku doesn't still idolize All Might.
    • Bakugo still looks up to All Might, but Padme/Star Might is also this to him after she saved him from the Sludge Villain. He's still a foul-mouthed jerk, but he took the "The Reason You Suck" Speech that the woman gave to his would-be rescuers to heart: he absolutely refuses to be a bystander when someone else needs saving.
  • I Heard That: In Chapter 40, after Yaoyorozu uses her power to make a Gatling gun, and finds that it was from Obi-Wan's advice. Bear in mind that Anakin is in the audience, and Obi-Wan is in the broadcaster's box.

    Anakin: I don't know if I should be proud of him taking a page out of my book or fearful that if he ever turned to the Dark Side he'd kill us all.
    Obi-Wan: (over the loudspeaker) I heard that, Anakin.
    Anakin: HOW?!

  • I'm Standing Right Here: From Chapter 19, when discussing passing on One For All to Padme:

    Recovery Girl: So Padme is ready, more ready than you were, but she still could have a bad reaction.
    Padme: Padme is also in the room. And she'd like it if you didn't talk about her like she wasn't.
    Yagi: Heheh… sorry.

  • Ironic Hell: According to Qui-Gon, this is the fate of all Sith: trapped for all eternity in the moment of their greatest suffering, with everything else from their lifetime that could make it worse piled in.
  • Jerkass Has a Point:
    • Bakugo does this in Chapter 57, cutting in briefly on Ahsoka and Ochaco's conversation to emphasize how vital it is that a hero be able to save everyone before walking off.
    • He does it again in Chapter 58, lambasting Kaminari for seeing the upcoming internship as being like a vacation rather than a decision that could affect the rest of his career. Ahsoka privately admits his sound reasoning while Aizawa says he had planned on emphasizing the same thing, albeit with less vulgarity.
  • Living Is More than Surviving: While Chapter 19 shows that Recovery Girl can intimidate Padme, Chapter 22 shows that Padme is displeased with her for this reason: She's been helping Yagi stay stable, not to get better. Padme soon gets him on a liquid diet that starts undoing the damage to his digestive system from so many bland meals.
  • Marriage of Convenience: Obi-Wan and Midnight are already attracted to each other, but their relationship is forced forward when they find Eri. Between the obvious signs of torturous abuse and her being not only Force-sensitive, but a prodigy, Nedzu immediately begins spinning the lie that she's their child, Eri Kenobi, to erase all traces of her former identity.
  • The Masquerade: Several lies are told to the general public to protect the Jedi and their companions, with more coming up as the story progresses.
    • The Force is registered as an Emitter-type Quirk for Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka, while Padme and Rex are listed as having Quirks that have minor effects on their internal organs. That's the first of many cover stories to mask their alien origins.
      • Chapter 47 reveals that a theory of Quirk Similarity Syndrome exists, stemming from close relationships and environmental influences; Anakin is almost certain that the theory only exists because of Nedzu, who created it to help reduce suspicion of them.
    • For the sake of public perception and politics, Padme presents the idea to All Might that he introduce her to the public as his daughter. And thus, Star Might is born.
    • When Obi-Wan finds Eri, Principal Nedzu completely agrees that she must never return to her previous handlers, which is only re-emphasized by her Quirk and her being Force-sensitive. To protect her, they craft her a new identity, and to Obi-Wan's chagrin, the result is her becoming Eri Kenobi, with her mother being Midnight.
  • Motor Mouth:
    • Izuku, as in canon. Rex helps him get slightly more of a handle on it by the time he enters U.A.
    • C-3P0, to the absolute intolerance of pretty much everyone.
  • Named In The Adaptation: As revealed in Chapter X, Snipe's real name is Din Djarin, a.k.a. The Mandalorian. The full significance of this has yet to be revealed.
  • Noodle Incident: In Chapter 5, Anakin mentions a time that an eopie gave Master Tiin a Groin Attack. Obi-Wan and Anakin were both there, and it was a rather unique-sounding scream.
  • No-Sell: In Chapter 1, Aizawa finds that his Erasure Quirk is powerless against the Force.
  • Outside-Context Problem:
    • The residents of the greater galaxy that end up on Earth have non-Quirk abilities (in the case of the Force-Sensitives) and technology far beyond what's typical for the planet.
    • Similarly, Dabi, Himiko, and Magne's Quirks are unlike anything that the greater galaxy have ever seen.
  • Papa Wolf: From the moment Obi-Wan and Anakin first bond with Eri through the Force, a strong part of them wishes they were Sith so they could repay whoever her previous keeper was for all the pain that they caused her.
  • Precision F-Strike: Aizawa gets two of these in Chapter 46, when he convinces Izuku to open up about his blatant but inexplicable anxiety as they prepare for the Sports Festival tournament. The first is when he expresses confidence in being able to deal with an abusive parent, only for Izuku to ask if that applies if said parent is a hero, and Aizawa immediately realizes that Endeavor is abusing Shoto. That's one of Izuku's problems; the other is that he knows Star Might's true identity and that she can change what she looks like, which means All Might can, too. Aizawa's second F-Strike comes when he encourages Izuku not to tell anyone else, and he says that while he hasn't, Shoto also knows.
  • Pressure Point: One of many things that Obi-Wan teaches the students about. Ida uses them to great effect with his speed-based fighting style.
  • Psychologist Teacher: Obi-Wan is so good at noticing flaws and telling how to fix them that he's this for most of the rest of U.A.'s staff and the students. Careful phrasing and logic even have Bakugo listening to him attentively (albeit sometimes grudgingly).
  • Refusal of the Call: A subtle example with Padme. While Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Rex become heroes and Ahsoka becomes a U.A. student, Padme has no interest in becoming a hero, preferring to win fights with words. But a few chapters later, she goes for a walk while bored and dissatisfied with their new world...and winds up taking Izuku's place saving Bakugo from the sludge villain, and all that that entails.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Apparently Ida's grandmother is Edna Mode. And yes, she still hates capes.
  • Sarcastic Confession: Hard to say if it's deliberately this or not, but in Chapter 61, when Sidious uses a relic statue to scry Anakin, it attempts to dissuade him with false visions. After Sidious sees through it twice, the third vision seems to be 100% true. But it's presented in such a way that Sidious would never believe was real, and he destroys the relic in anger.
  • Secret-Keeper: For several cases.
    • The fact that the Jedi and their companions are aliens is kept restricted to U.A.'s staff.
    • All Might, though not among U.A.'s staff in this story, also learns of it. Padme considers it a fair trade when he tells them about One For All due to passing it on to her.
      • But while the whole group knows about One For All, Padme only tells Anakin and Obi-Wan about All Might's crippling injury: Anakin so that he can properly build artificial organs for him, and Obi-Wan so that Anakin will have someone other than Padme to talk to about it.
    • Rex is the only person who knows about Anakin's plans to be a vigilante.
    • Dex, due to his Quirk, is able to exist with his restaurant in several places across the universe at once. Hence, he's the only one in the galaxy far, far away to know exactly where Obi-Wan and company have disappeared to. Later, he passes on the secret to Yoda and Plo Koon, informing them of everything they've been up to.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper:
    • Chapter 33 focuses on several notable individuals processing the existence of Star Might. Of those, the only one who knows that All Might is lying about her being his daughter is Sir Nighteye, who immediately understands what really happened and wonders if she's worthy of One For All.
    • Izuku overhears Padme's conversation with Todoroki. Thus, he learns that Endeavor is an abusive father, that Padme Amidala is Star Might, and that she can change her form to become a hero. Aizawa finds out shortly afterward after seeing Izuku's distress and persuading him to trust him.
  • Shout-Out:
    • In Chapter 28, Anakin paraphrases Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins when he explains why his vigilante form is modeled after the Sith:

    Anakin: The Sith terrify me, Rex. It's time criminals share my dread.

    • In Chapter 39, Rikiya Katsukame reflects on the short story Harrison Bergeron and how their government is moving in just such a dystopian direction.
    • In Chapter 52, Tokoyami brings up the name Chirasu from Forgotten Realms.
  • Slave to PR: The Jedi group becomes aware early on that all heroes are this by default. Rex points out how important good PR is, of course, but that doesn't change that almost everyone except All Might cares about marketing more than heroism.
    • In Chapter 9, Anakin is the first to resolve to change this after Hawks lectures him on the chains that come with the title of "hero," encouraging him to stay free. Anakin immediately decides to put together a new costume, this one with a mask, to become a vigilante. And naturally, the end result is the black-armored Vader.
  • Sneeze Cut: Several.
    • In Chapter 32, when Anakin resolves to ask Qui-Gon if they ever see him again why he didn't free Shmi, the Force Ghost in question shudders.
    • In Chapter 43, when Mineta makes a lewd comment, and the narration notes that even the most sexually stunted being in the universe could understand it, the scene briefly cuts to Yoda inexplicably shivering in disgust.
  • Spanner in the Works: The Jedi group's arrival throws off a lot of good and evil people's plans compared to canon, but Padme Amidala is at the core of most of them.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Thanks to Anakin (as Vader), Tensei Iida's injuries from Stain are no longer career-ending.
  • Spirit Advisor:
    • Qui-Gon Jinn as a Force Ghost. He appears first to Dooku in Chapter 12, having a rather pleasant conversation and not fully condemning Dooku's role as a Well-Intentioned Extremist, trusting he's following the will of the Force. But Qui-Gon points out that Palpatine may not have the same goals that Dooku does. And though Dooku attempts to deny it, the doubt from Qui-Gon's arguments shakes him so much that he orders Ventress to find him the best Slicer in the galaxy so that he can learn exactly what Palpatine is up to.
    • Palpatine has his own advisor, albeit as a fail-safe that he only uses as a last resort: in a vacant apartment he had specially built, its location a hollow spot in reality, he keeps an ebony chest that contains the skull of his late master, Dark Plagueis the Wise, whose spirit remains trapped within. But Plagueis looks down on his former apprentice, amusedly saying that while he can see where Anakin Skywalker is, he's certain that Sidious will never be able to find him.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Nedzu has a habit of popping up unexpectedly, and he loves it. He loves tormenting Anakin, in particular, by popping out of his clothes or even a bucket of popcorn he's holding. He finally stops getting that close after Anakin gains the ability to retaliate by letting Eri cuddle him, as while he Hates Being Touched, he doesn't have the heart to disappoint the girl.
  • Take That!: Apparently in this reality every copy of The Twilight Saga had been burned 40 years prior to the story as a crime against humanity. And yet somehow Ashido and Yanagi, two 15-year-old girls, have read them all. Yanagi does another moment when she says was disappointed that Cullen didn't just eat Bella.
  • There Are No Therapists: Pointedly averted with Hound Dog, U.A.'s guidance counselor. Thanks to him, Anakin makes such tremendous strides against his trauma that he grows a passion for psychology and bothers the rest of his group about going to see Hound Dog as well.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
    • Obi-Wan gives several of these to the teachers in Chapter 10, never raising his voice but having painfully valid points about everything they're doing wrong with their classes and what they could be doing instead. Nedzu's response is to hire him on the spot.
    • When Padme rushes in to save Bakugo from the sludge villain, one of the heroes who just stood by watching berates her during and after her attempted rescue. Padme immediately lambasts them for standing around, denying that they're heroes since they cared more about looking good than saving a child's life.
    • Chapter 50 ends with Ahsoka giving one to Bakugo, calmly calling him out about his self-centeredness and narcissism.
  • There Is Another:
    • Out of nowhere, Chapter 34 shows that Thrawn is on Earth, where he meets with the President of the HPSC and offers a solution for the fact that All Might is dying. And the end of the Chapter reveals that Din Djarin and Grogu are also on Earth, with the former being Snipe.
    • The endeavors of Bant Eerin, Quinlan Vos, Cad Bane, C-3P0, R2-D2, and the Bad Batch to find out what happened to Obi-Wan and company leads to them and their ship being teleported to Earth as well, appearing in America where they immediately meet Star and Stripe.
  • The Tape Knew You Would Say That: In Chapter 58, when Ahsoka's internship with Nedzu begins, she pulls up a time-locked recording he'd made:

    Nedzu: Am I a rat, a mouse, or a bear? Why, I am your Hero Mentor for this semester! Now, first things first… you must find my agency! I find that a good scavenger hunt always works well to get the brain pumping. You will need to collect the following items and take them to the address listened in the email you are now receiving; only then will you get the next clue!
    Ahsoka: I should have seen this coming.
    Nedzu: Yes, you should have!

  • This Is Gonna Suck: The feeling is mutual between Aizawa and Ahsoka at the end of Chapter 17 about her being in his class.
  • Tranquil Fury: After seeing how much damage Endeavor has done to his wife and children, Padme calmly and quietly asks Obi-Wan to help her destroy the number two hero.
  • Trauma Button: The phrase "bad matchup" is a minor one for Bakugo, considering it's the excuse of the heroes who almost let the sludge villain kill him.
  • Wham Episode: Chapter 30 begins with Padme gaining One For All to fight the League of Villains and finishes with Obi-Wan and Eri, where the latter turns out to be Force-sensitive and instantly forges an ironclad Force bond with Obi-Wan, becoming his new Padawan.
  • Worth It: At the end of Chapter 36, Hitoshi has this response to Aizawa giving him detention for using his Quirk on Mineta from 1-B, ordering him to slam the toilet seat against his private parts. He provoked this due to Quirkist comments against Izuku and lecherous comments and actions against the girls; Aizawa is the only one who objects, and even then, probably only because he's obligated to do so.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: At the end of Chapter 5, Rex gives Izuku this conversation, ending with him resolving to train Izuku to be a hero, even without a Quirk, affirming that he can do it.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: It's expressed almost from the start of the story and re-emphasized now and then throughout that the teleportation to Earth was a one-way trip. Dex expressly mentions in Chapter 61 that their home galaxy is so far, far away that if Yoda had started traveling when he was a child, he would die of old age long before he crossed a mere tenth of the distance.
The Force Is Not a Quirk! (Fanfic) - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.